Radio: Life hacks


Listen to the extracts from Life Hacks above and answer the following questions

1) What do the titles The Surgery and Life Hacks suggest

The title suggests it will make your life much easier and simpler

2) How are the programmes constructed to appeal to a youth audience?

They are made and built in ways to specifically appeal to the youthThis is done by usinglanguage which would be easily recognised by the audience as well as discussing things whichwould could result in a good effect in the young people life and help them improve their well-being and future decisions
3) What does the choice of presenters (Cel Spellman and Katie Thistleton) and Dr Modgil suggest about the BBC’s approach to diversity and representation?
The BBC have (on purpose) chose different presenters with each different backgrounds whichcould be done in order to show/represent the (many different kinds of people or things) in theUK as well as a sign of respect and (state where all things are equal) to people of all backgrounds.
4) Go to the Life Hacks iPlayer page and analyse the content. What does this suggest regarding the Life Hacks audience and what the BBC is hoping to achieve with the programme?

The content and information gave/given on the website is made to purposely attract young people and guide themThis is successfully done with elements such as (art and practice of printing words attractively) and (little computer pictures that show emotion) which are highlyused by the youth so they would engage with it much more and the (sets of printed letters of the same style) and colours are used in order to attract them

5) Go to the Life Hacks podcast episodes page. Listen to a few episodes of the podcast and explain how the topics may a) appeal to a youth audience and b) help fulfil the BBC's responsibilities as a public service broadcaster. 

These (sets of audio/video files) would hugely (attractive quality/request) to a youth audience aswell as fulfil BBC's responsibilities as they talk and raise knowledge about issues which the youthface which hits/affects them in a negative way and educate them about it


1) What is the target audience for BBC Radio 1? 

Aimed at 15-29 years old

2) Who is the actual audience for BBC Radio 1? 

Actual audience is around the age of 30 years old

3) What audience pleasures are offered by Life Hacks? Apply Blumler and Katz’s Uses and Gratifications theory.

Diversion: Via the music used and the dirt artist Stormzy being interviewed
Personal IdentityIssues and (opinions about what could or should be done about a situation) isshared which could relate to the audience

4) Read this Guardian review of Life Hacks. What points does the reviewer make about Life Hacks and the particular podcast episode they listened to?

She states how appealing the (set of audio/video files) was and how Stormzy's interview waseffective and he was able to share information which would relate to the audience in one way oranother

5) Read this NME feature on Radio 1 listener figures. What are the key statistics to take from this article regarding the decline in Radio 1 audience ratings?

They've attracted 9.4 million listeners however have (lowered in number/got worse/gotten worse) since Maylosing 200,000 listeners


1) How does Life Hacks meet the BBC mission statement to Educate, Inform and Entertain? 

They inform and raise knowledge about the issues they may face or could faceIn addition theyprovide (opinions about what could or should be done about a situation) on what to do if you meet issues and how it can be settled and entertainment is also given by the music that isplayed

2) Read the first five pages of this Ofcom document laying out its regulation of the BBC. Pick out three key points in the summary section.

to informeducate and entertain the public aswell as support the (showing the ability to create interesting new things) (process of people making, selling, and buying things) across the UK

-The BBC board must focus on satisfying the BBC's charter aims and stated responsiblities 

Ofcom need to provide a fair and independent regulation of the BBC

3) Now read what the license framework will seek to do (letters a-h). Which of these points relate to BBC Radio 1 and Life Hacks?

The BBC's duty to represent (many different kinds of people or things) across the UK - 'We areneeding/ordering the BBC to put in place a new commissioning code of practice for (many different kinds of people or things)approved by us'. 

4) What do you think are the three most important aspects in the a-h list? Why?

A- Being culturally and socially aware of the world 
C- BBC should be more (many different kinds of people or things) 

H- Reflect (many different kinds of people or things) within the world 

5) Read point 1.9: What do Ofcom plan to review in terms of diversity and audience? 

Ofcom are planning to review the on-screen (many different kinds of people or things)

6) What is Ben Cooper trying to do with Radio 1?

To change BBC radio 1 into a multi-(raised, flat supporting surface) business

7) How does he argue that Radio 1 is doing better with younger audiences than the statistics suggest?

Under 15s are not here therefore he believes the average age of a listener is higher than itshould be 

8) Why does he suggest Radio 1 is distinctive from commercial radio?

Radio 1 doesn't used ADs in their broadcasts making it less likely to put off listers and force themto go listen to rivals e.g. capital xtra 

9) Why is Radio 1 increasingly focusing on YouTube views and digital platforms?

Younger audiences are the same way on other (ways of writing, reading, and watching news, opinions, videos, etc.) and are always viewing free content on YouTube

10) In your opinion, should the BBC’s remit include targeting young audiences via Radio 1 or should this content be left to commercial broadcasters? Explain your answer.

In my opinionthe BBCs remit should in fact include targeting young audiences via Radio 1 asmost of the content produced in real/honest and supportive which could significantly hit/affectthe younger generations .


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