

Learner response on Statement of Intent feedback: Posted.

New Statement of Intent draft submitted: Not yet. Will submit new draft on 2 December.

Print planning discussion: Good idea for DPS – county-lines based feature interviewing school staff dealing with behaviour and gang-related issues or incidents. Note: MUST have a link to your TV drama too. Still need a name for culture magazine.

On track to meet deadline: Should be – but a lot of planning still to do. 

Next steps:

·         Copy and paste this feedback to your Media 2 coursework blog with the title ‘Print brief tutorial and learner response’.

·         As your learner response, identify three things you need to work on in the next 10 days.
·         Finally, write the day and date you will submit your updated Statement of Intent.

Title of publication:
Ordinary- which will be placed on the top third of my magazine
Arturo Trial Regular
Bulletto  Killa¬Regular

  • The choice of these fonts were to portray modernism as the text flows through. This is because my print magazine will be aimed at the issues with the youth and find a solution to end it to help the way of life
  • My slogan will be 'The commonplace for youth' - talks about health, gym, everyday issues with violence. - Aimed to bring the youth together and have the ability to discuss how people are feeling. (e.g. Question and Answers like 'I am skinny and i struggle to put on muscle, What shall i do?)
  • Central image - A group of youth, all being different skin colour, ethnicity and age. Aimed at a wide range of audience.
  • Image result for teenagers different skin colours and ethnicity - similar to this image but have a male and female but also different height.
Colour scheme: Aim to be multi coloured (LGBTQ) but also bright colours to symbolise positivity and hope.
  • Bar code, price and date placed at the back of the magazine as i want to keep the front very simplistic and hope to get  straight to the point. Emphasises the society today.
  • The language is very snappy and not that formal due to it being targeted at a youth audience.
    • The vocabulary chosen will be suitable for the teenagers to read.
  • Promotions will be offered as a way to get the youth to focus on the right path rather than being influenced negatively.

Different culture magazine 
Image result for contents page youth magazine
Image result for contents page youth magazine
Image result for different culture magazines that are aimed at the youthImage result for different culture magazines that are aimed at the youthImage result for different culture magazines that are aimed at the youthImage result for different culture magazines that are aimed at the youth - these are all aimed at the youth but my front cover will be unique, targeting a wide range of audiences.

Image result for unique contents pageRelated imageImage result for unique contents page- these contents page are very modern and 'quirky' which i would like to get motivation from as i am targeting a youth community therefore including large amount of texts may not draw the audience in.
- having the use of more images that text may be crucial as it gives a comic look and can have the impact of rehabilitation if audiences are drawn to read.

Double page spread
Image result for double page spread magazine
Image result for double page spread magazineImage result for double page spread magazine - this is similar to my print magazine as i would like one effective image covering one page whilst the other page has a question and answer with an ex gang member.


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